City of Hillsboro Childcare Loan Program
The City of Hillsboro Childcare Loan Program (CLP) is intended to serve as funds to expand or improve the availability of childcare within the city.
For more information about the CLP, contact the City Administrator at (608) 489-2521.
Common Council Proceedings
RESOLUTION # 27-2019
WHEREAS, the City of Hillsboro completed and approved a community-wide Housing Action Plan in 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Housing Action Plan identified the significant need for childcare facilities in the community to serve families and businesses; and
WHEREAS, the city has engaged the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association to learn about the state’s childcare shortage and strategies the community could use to address the need for more childcare, and
WHEREAS, the Common Council and Mayor believe it is important to promote the development of childcare facilities to better support families and businesses in the community.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Hillsboro that the attached program guidelines be adopted for the City of Hillsboro Childcare Loan Program.
Approved by the Common Council.